Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Darkness Risen continues! - Update

I didn't get distracted doing a commission, I was busy, er.. cleaning my teeth.

UPDATE - 39 more pages!

UPDATE 2 - 29 more pages. The pace has slowed a bit as I'm also working on a commission for VampYou and I don't want to run out of pages too quick :) Today's update we return to see what Mary is up to. Does she get away from the security guard and have a lovely time? No, but she might be going through some changes!

UPDATE 3: 20 more pages, and we'll need some new character tags for this one.

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Commission - Mrs Freeze

While work progresses on Darkness Risen, I still have to pay the bills, so here is another commission. This time it's a sequel to a previous commission (