Friday 26 February 2016

Many possible futures...

Many universes exist side by side. In some only good things happen, in some evil wins the day. In some Kit finds a way around her immunity to the curse (gift) of corruption. In some universes technology takes over, co-opting our bodies for it's own nefarious ends. In some universes hellspawn roam the earth, seducing and corrupting all before them.

Which universe are we in? Who knows, maybe one of these, maybe none!


  1. Ouu I like nice touch. Love the atmosphere from the way you string the words together

  2. I like the demoness or evil "Kit" with her horns, spikes and the dark skin

  3. Looks great!
    You think you can slip a male demon somewhere in your comic? I appreciate the sexiness of succubi and vampiresses but it'd be fun to see the brutal power and owerwhelming corruption of a Lord of Hell find its way into your pages!

  4. nice quality! personally I prefer the demonic

  5. hey cantraps, do you think you will do any more corruption fiction? i really liked cat eye kryptonian.

  6. The universe where I get to meet all 3...

  7. Still working on part 3, time's been sparse but it's well in progress. No eta at the moment I'm afraid.

    1. glad to hear a little update :)
      thx for your work!
