Tuesday, 19 December 2017

The Darkness Rising - Chapter 2

That's right, part 2 is out, just before Christmas. Who's next on Lex Luthor's list? Well, he did promise it would be magic and he always keeps his promises.

Will Supergirl continue her descent into depravity?
Will she put up with Lex being in charge?
Will a certain magician be the only victim of Lex's machinations?

Only time will tell! Or just read Chapter 2!

I've added Chapter 2 to the same gallery as Chapter 1 because, well why not.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

The Scent of Evil


Here's a quick cautionary tale. Make sure you research what you are buying. Otherwise there may be unintended consequences.

The Scent of Evil


Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Fangs - Part 4 - The Conclusion

Yes, you read it right. This is the final part of Fangs!

Who will survive? Who won't? Will we see a happy ending, or will everyone die in a huge explosion again (no!)?

Don't worry though, I won't be stopping making content. I just felt that I was spinning my wheels with Fangs and wanted to bring the story to a close. I've been playing with a few other ideas so we'll see where we go next, and you never know, you might see some of the Fangs characters pop up in other stories!