Wednesday 24 May 2017

The Scent of Evil


Here's a quick cautionary tale. Make sure you research what you are buying. Otherwise there may be unintended consequences.

The Scent of Evil


  1. A very fun little story. While I preferred the art and sexy things in Fangs, this certainly had its fair share and the story/characters were better organized.

    I think the length was pretty good too. In terms of your previous poll, shorter stories tend to have trouble balancing being sexy and telling a story but as you said, longer stories take a long time to come out and the payoff requires a longer commitment.

    1. I agree with you. 55 pages (pictures) is a nice length to tell a short story. It doesn't rush through the setting up to get to the payoff as quickly as possible, yet there is also no unneeded delay by setting up more than what's needed for a simple little story like this.
      At the end, it feels done and complete, so that is very good balancing.

      As a potential negative, I do feel that the overall package is a bit forgettable. The story is just going through the motions, doing and delivering what it should without standing out in any way.
      However, after seeing Fangs become much bigger than what you had initially planned, you're more than forgiven to experiment with a basic story this time. ;)

    2. This was more of a pallette cleanser before I started to think about anything significant again, like a light sorbet before a steak. Mmmm steak.

      Anyway were was I? Yeah... the story was intentionally light, with a slight teaser that maybe hints it's in the same universe as Fangs (say the name of the perfume quickly!). I suppose you might call it the FCU :)

    3. Wow, that is one carefully concealed nod to Fangs indeed. I doubt there will be many readers, if any, who'll catch this one on their own.

  2. Will there be more Chapters to this???

  3. I loved your comic. It was a fun, quick, sexy bit of corruption. I agree that the text needs to be larger. I'm very eager to see what you do next. Thank you for sharing!

  4. great work what sosftware do you use ?

    1. It's mostly done in DAZ3D. It's free software but the cost can start racking up when you start buying models, clothing, hair, sets etc. There's enough free stuff available to have a play with if you want to try it. The comics are then assembled in Comic Life 3.

  5. when we will see somethingh new?

  6. Replies
    1. I've had a break for a while getting my mojo back, but I've started working on something. No ETA yet but you should enjoy it.

  7. where are you ? Any news?

    1. I'm alive. Just been busy with life. I've been putting together something, but it's slow going finding the time. I'm aiming to do shorter more frequent chapters for the new thing and the first should be out in the next few weeks. Hopefully it will turn out Super.

    2. Any sneak previews or what kind of story this will be?

  8. been a while just wondering if your ever going to finish this one? i know your working on the darkness rising story

    1. It was always written as a little story with a tease at the end. It's not in my plan to return to it, but you never know.
