Saturday 18 June 2016

Fangs - Part 3

The voting was inconclusive, but the comic continues and what do we have? Well, I won't spoil anything but there are some old characters who return, and Melinda's journey to wherever she is going continues, with some bumps along the way as usual.

Just 104 pages this time, a nice compromise between length and getting it out there.


  1. the new girl is very weird...

  2. Robot
    Demon blood
    Evil ring

    Strongest evil villain right now rofl

  3. Awesome I'm enjoying the ride:-)

  4. Simply Aweeeeeeesoommeeeeeeeee

  5. great one - perfect lenght and a cool climax :) thx

  6. Interesting, More new characters and more interesting plot points, Hope to see some new stuff soon cantraps.

  7. A bit short but plot-wise this is the best installment so far

  8. Nice to see another chapter, this one was great!

  9. Another good and enjoyable continuation of a story that keeps on being unpredictable. You appear to have so many crazy ideas all at the same time...and you somehow make it work when blending them together. Suddenly the robot and vampire thingies are yesterday's news and now it's all about absorption. Sure, why not?

    You also keep on opening cans of new characters, but I personally feel that you've reached a point where that can also backfire on the reading experience. There are SO many characters to keep track of! You introduce them and give them some time in the spotlight...and then you discard them. Maybe we'll see them again, maybe not. Their fate is often left undecided, but almost all of these characters possess some vital knowledge of what's going on in this world. It wouldn't make sense if you somehow pretended that they will simply go on like normal with their lives.

    With so many characters around to give attention to, it's pretty much impossible to give the characters that truly matter the attention that they deserve. Who is the antagonist in this story, the "opponent" of Melinda? Electra does a poor job at being the big evil in this chapter. Cassie is currently taken care of. Kit doesn't even appear at all...

    You already know that I like the fact that you give plenty of attention to just about each and every character and make them think and act realistically instead of just having them as background filler while the few main characters are doing their thing. But I feel that the pile of characters is getting too big now and that the story would profit from sticking with what you currently have and exploring these characters better.
    What about the characters that Melinda has jumped out of? What about the people (and their knowledge) from the Secret Entrance lab from the previous chapter? I feel that I would prefer to see more of them than yet even more new faces in the next chapter.

    Ah well, enough about that. Regardless of all of that, you still have a unique storytelling skill and all the chaos in the story could also be considered a strong point: there is plenty going on and each scene is interesting in some way.

    I do wonder what's up with the cover picture, btw. The transparent part of her cheeks appears to be a sloppy rendering mistake. How did that make it into the comic and on the cover of all places?

  10. Hows the next part coming along?

  11. i would like to see updates more often :) even a "hello, i am still here and everything is awesome" would be great =b

  12. Hi, i am still here and everything is awesome.

    Well, kinda. Life got really busy so progress has been slow over the past few months. I'm still working on the comic but the next part is still a way off.

  13. Good to know. And yes, life takes priority, just don't forget about us here, waiting for your work to come out

  14. when we will get any updates?

  15. we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update we want update

  16. All copypasting and no updates makes me a dull boy
    All copypasting and no updates makes me a dull boy
    All copypasting and no updates makes me a dull boy
    All copypasting and no updates makes me a dull boy
    All copypasting and no updates makes me a dull boy
    All copypasting and no updates makes me a dull boy
    All copypasting and no updates makes me a dull boy
    All copypasting and no updates makes me a dull boy

    All copypasting and no updates makes me a dull boy
    All copypasting and no updates makes me a dull boy
    All copypasting and no updates makes me a dull boy

    All copypasting and no updates makes me a dull boy
    All copypasting and no updates makes me a dull boy
    All copypasting and no updates makes me a dull boy
    All copypasting and no updates makes me a dull boy
    All copypasting and no updates makes me a dull boy
    All copypasting and no updates makes me a dull boy
    All copypasting and no updates makes me a dull boy

  17. Sorry!

    I've been on very slow mode for the past few months due to a combination of iRay not supporting my new graphics card, moving and new job and a slight case of writers block. I'm back up and running now (still waiting for iRay to pull their fingers out and support the new 1070 and 1080 nVidia's in Daz3D).

    1. You're doing this all by yourself, so you're your own boss and don't need to feel responsible to anyone. Don't worry about that.

      What you could do, however, is be a little more active on your own blog. A complete absence of posts will leave your fans wondering what happened to you or your comic.

  18. Glad to hear your back looking forward to your future updates.
