Monday, 17 December 2018

Sinderella - Commission

Another of my commissions has been released on VampYou. It's a vampire take on Sinderella and it's one of my personal favourites. Go check it out.

Also over there is Beta Test (that I totally forgot to announce here!), so theres's double the fun!


Friday, 30 November 2018

New commission and update

Hi everyone, I'm still here!

It's been a busy few months and I've not had much time available to work on much. In a couple of weeks there will be a new comic coming out over at VampYou. I'll put up a preview post when that one comes out (it's a fun fairy tale short).

As far as big comics for the site, I've been a bit low on inspiration for a while. I've been half-heartedly working on something that's now on the back burner. I'll get round to finishing it at some point, but as I said, I'm very busy with life at the moment so progress is slow :(

The only other bit of work I've had time to get done was a short commission. Here it is!

Read on after the break...

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Commission - Pepper's present

For your enjoyment we have another quick commission. This time we're back in the world of Fangs with an alternative view of what might have happened to Pepper.


Sunday, 10 June 2018

The Darkness Rising - Chapter 9 - The End

Well here it is! The bumper 65 page finale to The Darkness Rising.
Does evil win, or do the remaining heroines somehow find a way to stop the rising forces of corruption?

Find out HERE (on page 397)

Friday, 11 May 2018

The Darkness Rising - Chapter 8

So here we have it. The penultimate chapter!

This one was about moving the pieces and bringing the people together for the final 'battle' so that the final chapter can finish off the transformations and then end in a totally unsatisfactory way that everyone will complain about! Kidding (hopefully).

Starts on page 359

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Twins of Evil - Commission

Hey all, so if you've been paying attention you'll know I did a commission recently. Well a release date has been announced for it so I thought I'd share it here. It's a good old vampire tale over at VampYou called Twins of Evil coming out on the 28th of April.

VampYou is a subscription site and the comic will be for subscribers only but I'd encourage everyone to check out the site as there's a ton of vampire content over there.

Learn more here

After the break are a few preview images of the full 72 page comic.

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Supergirl's Dream - A Darknesss Rising commission

Hi all. As you may know I've been doing some commissions recently. Here's the output from one of them for you all to see (This isn't the big one on the paid site, no release for that yet).

It's a non-canon sequence from Darkness Rising of what Supergirl might have been dreaming during her first sleep wearing the glove.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Fangs commission

Hi everyone. I've recently made myself available for commissioned work. Here is the first result that is publicly available. Just a single panel following up from Fangs (I guess there is some demand to see what happened next).

Getting the band back together

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

The Darkness Rising - Chapter 5

It's big hitter time! With Supes gone, only one hero could step up and get involved in our story... Who is it, you'll have to read and see, in Darkness Rising, part 5!

I've added the chapter to the end again, so skip to page 228.

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

The Darkness Rising - Chapter 4

Here we are! Yup, it's Chapter 4 time. I'll be interested in the reception to this one. It's more of a moving the pieces around and setting things up for future confrontation/corruptions!

I've added the chapter to the end again, so skip to page 228 if you want.