Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Fantastic Update!

So we've got a new release pattern, meaning that this update includes the first half of November's Patreon update. It features the Fantastic 4, Sue and Reed in particular. The next update will be around the 1st of Dec. Enjoy!

Friday, 1 November 2019

November Patreon Rewards

Today is Patreon story update day! No spoilers here, but if you're  part of the Patreon feel free to head over to the Discord channel to chat about it. We've got action for the Fantastic 4 (well 2 of them for the moment) and we head back to MJ.
Click on the preview to head over to Patreon and check it out.

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Commission - A New Model

Just finished a new commission. I'll be posting them over on the Patreon page (no sub required) as the reading experience is a little better over there.

It's a follow up to a little series that's been developing.

Monday, 14 October 2019

Darkness Risen - October Update

It's here! The October public update for Darkness Rising. This is the first update since I moved to monthly to fit in with the Patreon release schedule, so what you've got is a bumper 50 page release featuring the first (but not last) appearance of Mary Jane Watson, plus a catch up with Mary Marvel. All the Mary's this month!

If you want your updates earlier, the next batch of story will be going out to patrons on the 1st of Nov with more MJ and some Fantastic friends.

Click on MJ to head to the comic.

Sunday, 13 October 2019

Bloodsucking 102

Just out today is a new commission over at VampYou. This is a follow up to Bloodsucking 101! What have the newly turned vamps been up to? Head over and see.

Monday, 30 September 2019

Patreon's live!

I know! It's exciting isn't it. Patreon!
Don't worry though, the comics will always be free. Patreoners will just get them early, with a few other benefits. I'll most likely be posting more regularly there and keep this blog for big release announcements.

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Darkness Risen continues! - Update

I didn't get distracted doing a commission, I was busy, er.. cleaning my teeth.

UPDATE - 39 more pages!

UPDATE 2 - 29 more pages. The pace has slowed a bit as I'm also working on a commission for VampYou and I don't want to run out of pages too quick :) Today's update we return to see what Mary is up to. Does she get away from the security guard and have a lovely time? No, but she might be going through some changes!

UPDATE 3: 20 more pages, and we'll need some new character tags for this one.

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Commission - Mrs Freeze

While work progresses on Darkness Risen, I still have to pay the bills, so here is another commission. This time it's a sequel to a previous commission (

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Darkness Risen

Hi all, I've just released the first part of my new comic - Darkness Risen. As you might guess, it's a follow up to Darkness Rising! I'll be releasing in small chunks to keep me sane and make sure that the story makes sense. This also means I can act on feedback if you want to guide how the story progresses :)

NOTE: I'm adding to this gradually rather than pushing out separate chapters, the third section is out now!

Monday, 29 April 2019

2 new things!

Well I've been busy!

For your amusement is another quick commission plus the announcment of a new story over at VampYou.

The commission is presented here, for the VampYou story, you'll have to head on over there and take a look. It's called Bloodsucking 101 and it's a fun one.

But in the meantime here is the (titleless) commission (more below the break).

Monday, 1 April 2019

Heart of Darkness

New comic day is here!

I went a little different with this one, using some very different assets to build a little fantasy universe. I do like the place and it's one I may return to in some form, although whatever comes next is up in the air at the moment (there are a couple of commissions in the bag for VampYou, but they are already done and submitted so they should pop up at some point soonish.

Anyway, enjoy Heart of Darkness!

Monday, 4 February 2019

Making comics

For those of you who might be interested I've made a page, all about how I do this.

It's HERE.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Old abandoned nonsense!

Before Darkness Rising, before Fangs, I had to learn 3D comic making. What's the best way to learn? Make a comic! This was never meant for public consumption, but as a special blog-only treat I thought I'd chuck it up to give you all an insight into what might have been...

It's not brilliant, and the models weren't as good back then (these were done with Genesis 1 I think, we're up to 8 now!)